Sunday, May 9, 2010

#10 - Mothers Day

So, today being Mothers Day, I devoted my day to spending time and helping my mom in every way that I could. I helped her around the house and then later on my dad and sister accompanied my mom and I to dinner. We attempted to go to a restaurant called The Melt in Lakewood, Ohio, but it was too busy and there was a very long wait. Instead we went to another restaurant in Cleveland called The Harp (a very nice Irish Pub) and enjoyed a meal there. After that we drove around and and spent some time together.

Later on, after are return home, I helped my dad with some troubles he was having with his new MacBook as he is new to it and doesn't understand how to work everything, heck I've had one for almost two years and some things are a mystery to me.

I do not feel defeated in my goal of doing the amount of deeds I have set myself up for, I just need to start expanding on what I do, and I think that tomorrow I will start doing that, but you will have to wait for my next post to find out what the is :)

I hope all you mothers out there had a fantastic mothers and and I hope that all you children honored your mothers in the way they should be.


Friday, May 7, 2010

More Updates... : #7, 8, and 9

As my last posting said, this past week has been finals week for me at by school, so I was fairly busy with studying and stuff like that. This is going to be short because I am really tired right now.

So in the same format of my last post:

Wednesday: I bought a meal for someone. (not a stranger, but it still counts)

Thursday: Helped someone move out of their room.

Today: Today I really don't know what to count it as. I feel like if I count what I am thinking of counting as my deed, it would be cheating, but at the same time, I haven't done anything else today because of the nature of my day. Anyhow, to the story. When I got home from school today with all of my stuff I came home to my family leaving to go to my sisters confirmation (I would have gone, but I was running late in my arrival and it just didn't work out). After resting for a little bit I told my grandma, who lives with my family, that I would be coming and going out of the house because I was going to be unloading my car. Her response to that was a very long winded way (you know how old people are) of saying that she loves the fact that she is able to live with us and watch my grow as a young man and that I brings her great joy.

After this past week of not knowing when I was actively doing anything to help other people I have come to realize that being the person that I am, I am doing nice things for others, just that is because I am who I am. So even though I may not be aware of what I am doing, the things I do in my normal day could totally change the life of someone. But that is not the goal of this project. My goal is to actively do something for someone every day.

Until next time...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Updates: #4, 5, and 6

So if you have been keeping up with this blog, you would notice that I have not made a post since last Saturday. Fear not though, I have been doing my acts of kindness, I just have not been updating this because of my finals this week at college.

So here are the things that I have done since then:

Sunday - I was still at home from coming home over the weekend. I was working on something, what it is not escapes me at this moment, but my mother needed help to go pick up a futon that she bought from Craigslist. She had asked my brother to go earlier that day, but all he was doing was sitting around doing nothing. So finally with only an hour left before the person we were picking this up from would be unavailable, I went with my mom to pick it up.

Monday - Today I was at a loss on what to do. So after my finals were done for the day, I was contemplating what to do. After much thinking, I decided to leave an anonymous motivation message to one of my friends who has been going through some hard times lately.

Today - Being the end of the semester at school and not having the ability to have my meal plan roll over to next semester (I have my own grievances against the school for that) I decided that I would buy some things for some people who are low on meal plan. I gathered a few of my fraternity brothers from the house and bought them what they wanted from the meal plan friendly store on campus.

These things are not what I was aiming to do with this goal that I have, but none the less I am actively trying to make the world around me a better place. As I mentioned, I have a large amount of meal plan left, so before I leave campus on Friday I am going to buy things for people if I can.

More to come later!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Others succeed where I fail

So today, I was not able to achieve my goal of doing one random act of kindness for someone. That does not mean that I am going to give up on this site or that I am a failure. My heart is in the right place and I will always help others or do something nice if the opportunity is given.

On that note, I am not discouraged. Today I found out that other people have been doing acts of kindness for people. I was talking to my mom today, and she said that while she was at the checkout in the store she was behind a female that appeared to be college aged and an elder lady who was in the middle of paying for her purchase. This elder woman was looking around her purse for the reminder of the bill, which was only $3. After a few minuets and only finding a dollar my mom started to reach for her purse to give the lady the reminder, but before she could do so, the girl ahead of my mom paid for the elder woman. Another thing that I was told about was from my cousin. While he was driving the other day her saw a hitchhiker. At first he did not pick the person up, but after a few minuets of driving, he decided to go back and offer a ride. Unfortunately when my cousin got to the spot, the person was gone, and some unknown driver must have picked him up.

Even though I did not do anything of worth today, it makes me happy to see that others are doing kind things for strangers.

I have really been thinking a lot lately and I am not sure how far this is going to go. I know that the person I am will always do its best to help others, but will it get to a point where I am not making any effect. I know the slightest things can make all the difference in the world. I just want to make a positive impact on the world before I go. I wonder how many others there are like me and if they feel the same way? I never want to know what the world would be like if I never existed or had a different attitude about people. I am the way I am because I am meant to do things like this.

No matter what happens in my life I know that I am doing the right thing. Everything happens for a reason I feel, and good things are happening, I just have to look for them.

#3 - Sometimes Things Just happen

So today was the last day of formal classes before finals at Bowling Green. The car that I use while at school is a smaller car, so I decided to take home as much of the stuff in my dorm as I could. Another reason for my return home is that my high school was opening its spring musical, West Side Story, tonight, so myself and a few friends from high school decided to go tonight.

All day today I was busy finishing last minuet things for my classes. Because of that I was stuck in my room most of the day, and then I had to make a two hour drive home, in my car, by myself. I was hoping that on my way home I would run into someone that needed car help, but nothing like that happened. I was running late so I had to go directly to the school to catch the show in time. I had some time to spare so I picked up one of my friends that was on the way.

Before I continue with the story for today, I would like to inform all of you readers of part of my past. In high school I was a large component of the performing arts department. In the theatre I my focus was technical stuff. Because of all the hard work that I would always put in, people think highly of me. Add that to the various other things I did, like Boy Scouts (I am an Eagle Scout) and being very involved in my school, I was sort of a local celebrity. My senior year of high school it came to a strange head when one day people just started to applaud me whenever thy saw me. Needless to say I was well liked by everyone.

Anyways after the show, which was very well done, I spoke to some of the teachers I had and the directors I had worked with in my time at the high school. All of the cast members that I saw and spoke to were very surprised and happy to see that I had made it back to see their show, many of them being seniors so this was a big thing for them.

After talking with many people and reminiscing of the past my friends and
I went to a local restaurant to catch up for a while. While there one of my friends got a text message from her mother, whom was the director of the show we had just seen, saying "please tell the guys it was amazing to see them all tonight. it really makes me happy to see my true tech team still together and enjoying our shows". So she found it very nice that we stopped by to see her and her show.

Also, during our little outing I was having a texting conversation with one of the girls that I knew in the cast. Not to bore you with the minor details, I agreed to spend some time with her and her boyfriend after the show the next night. after seeing that she replied that she hadn't been this excited to see people in a long time.

By and by, I will take these events as my acts of kindness for the day. Unfortunately, I have still not been able to help out strangers like my intention was, but there isn't much I can do about that for now. While I was eating with my friends after the show I told them about this blog I m doing and how I want to make a positive effect on the world and that I had been stressing all day about I could do to make this day worthwhile for others. One of my friends said that I shouldn't look to hard into it and to just let things happen as they do, so in other words, if I am not able to complete a act of kindness for others, not to worry about it because I could have a day where I do many things instead of just one.

All in all I have a feeling that after I leave Bowling Green for the summer and return home for the summer, I will be able to have a greater effect on people. My friends and I often frequent a somewhat local amusement part, so I have faith that I can do good there. I am also thinking of notes and things like that I can send out to random people or leave in books at the library and so on.

I have faith that whatever it is I am doing, I will make some change in the world, no matter how small.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

#2 - Saving Sandles

So I have decided to take a small break from my night of endless work to give a recount of what my good deed for today was.

Again today I ended up helping out a fraternity brother again. Not that doing that is a bad thing, but I would rather be helping strangers. Anyways....

A bunch of us decided to go get lunch today (funny how these things have a habit of happening around eating times). While walking from our fraternity house to the dining hall one of my brothers tried to kick his sandle off and hit one of the other group members in the back of the head with it. Well, usually he succeeds in this act, but today the wind must have been blowing harder or something, it is Bowling Green you know.
Well instead of hitting him in the back of the head, the sandle went off and landed on a near by balcony. This gave us all the "Oh Shit" moment while we try to figure out what to do.

Everyone first reaction was to find a ladder to get up to it, but we soon found out that doing that was out of the option. So I suggested that we move a table that was near by so two people could stand on it and lift up a third to try to reach. Being the group of young men that they are, they did not want to listen to me. Instead they decided to forgot the table and just lift up the third member. This LOOKED like it would work, but as the brazen lad attempted to lift himself up, he slipped and scratched up his legs.

Now with one of our guys hurt, they all listen to logic. So we all move the table from where it was under the balcony to just outside of it and try again, this time a slightly more careful person attempting to clime up. Just as he was about to try and flip over the edge, he chose not to and asked for a stick or something. So another one of us ran back to our house and got a lacrosse stick to use. We use my method again with the aid of the stick, and we succeed with only a few minor injuries.

So after that slight adventure, and returning the table to its original spot, we continued to out meal. After arriving and picking from the wonderful selection that is there to chose from, we get inline to check out. Today, one of my brothers has run out of campus meal plan. Seeing this, I pay for his lunch, again making my contribution to the world a monetary one.

While eating we talk a little about this goal I have of helping people, and I tell them all that they should start paying it forward so others can benefit too. Whether or not they listen to me, but history says they will not (bear in mind I was their president for a while). Either way I have completed my goal (sort of) for today (technically yesterday if you want specifics) and will continue onward.

I truly hope that with the end of the semester being a mere week away, that upon my return home I will be able to help out strangers rather than people I already know. Not that I am against helping those I know, its just they already know that I am a good person at heart.

Till next time...

**Note - There has been talk of a funny picture made out of the events from this day. If it ever comes to fruition, I will add it to this post.**

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

#1 Cookies?

So today was the first day that I tried to actually go out and do something nice for someone. Now, being the person that I am, I usually do nice things for people all the time without thinking, but as many of you have read, I am sick of seeing people just think about themselves, so I am doing something about that.

So today while I was attempting to do good for someone I kept on being turned down. It seemed like people are naturally adverse to someone doing something nice for them without wanting anything in return these days.... anyhow, I was getting worried that I wouldn't be able to do my deed for the day.

Later on today, I decided to get some dinner with a few of my fraternity brothers. One of them live off campus and has no on campus meal plan, so one of my brothers bought his dinner for him (see other people do nice things too!). Anyways as we were eating we started to talk about cookies because a few of us had gotten them with our meals. After a little talk of that the other member of our party wanted to get one so he asked if one of us would split ours with him. I had already eaten most of mine at this point, so he didn't want any of mine, but neither of the others offered. As we were getting ready go leave, I decided to go but him a cookie also.

Yes, I know, buying someone a cookie isn't really that big of a thing, but you never know what else will happen later in life. I told him to pay it forward rather than getting me back sometime, so hopefully this will have some trickle down effect eventually.

If I were to gauge the level of kindness that this event was on a scale of 1 to 10, I think it would be around a 3 or a 4, but I have room for improvement. I did something good today, that's all that matters. Next time, I hope I can help a stranger.