Wednesday, April 28, 2010

#1 Cookies?

So today was the first day that I tried to actually go out and do something nice for someone. Now, being the person that I am, I usually do nice things for people all the time without thinking, but as many of you have read, I am sick of seeing people just think about themselves, so I am doing something about that.

So today while I was attempting to do good for someone I kept on being turned down. It seemed like people are naturally adverse to someone doing something nice for them without wanting anything in return these days.... anyhow, I was getting worried that I wouldn't be able to do my deed for the day.

Later on today, I decided to get some dinner with a few of my fraternity brothers. One of them live off campus and has no on campus meal plan, so one of my brothers bought his dinner for him (see other people do nice things too!). Anyways as we were eating we started to talk about cookies because a few of us had gotten them with our meals. After a little talk of that the other member of our party wanted to get one so he asked if one of us would split ours with him. I had already eaten most of mine at this point, so he didn't want any of mine, but neither of the others offered. As we were getting ready go leave, I decided to go but him a cookie also.

Yes, I know, buying someone a cookie isn't really that big of a thing, but you never know what else will happen later in life. I told him to pay it forward rather than getting me back sometime, so hopefully this will have some trickle down effect eventually.

If I were to gauge the level of kindness that this event was on a scale of 1 to 10, I think it would be around a 3 or a 4, but I have room for improvement. I did something good today, that's all that matters. Next time, I hope I can help a stranger.

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