Sunday, May 9, 2010

#10 - Mothers Day

So, today being Mothers Day, I devoted my day to spending time and helping my mom in every way that I could. I helped her around the house and then later on my dad and sister accompanied my mom and I to dinner. We attempted to go to a restaurant called The Melt in Lakewood, Ohio, but it was too busy and there was a very long wait. Instead we went to another restaurant in Cleveland called The Harp (a very nice Irish Pub) and enjoyed a meal there. After that we drove around and and spent some time together.

Later on, after are return home, I helped my dad with some troubles he was having with his new MacBook as he is new to it and doesn't understand how to work everything, heck I've had one for almost two years and some things are a mystery to me.

I do not feel defeated in my goal of doing the amount of deeds I have set myself up for, I just need to start expanding on what I do, and I think that tomorrow I will start doing that, but you will have to wait for my next post to find out what the is :)

I hope all you mothers out there had a fantastic mothers and and I hope that all you children honored your mothers in the way they should be.


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