Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Updates: #4, 5, and 6

So if you have been keeping up with this blog, you would notice that I have not made a post since last Saturday. Fear not though, I have been doing my acts of kindness, I just have not been updating this because of my finals this week at college.

So here are the things that I have done since then:

Sunday - I was still at home from coming home over the weekend. I was working on something, what it is not escapes me at this moment, but my mother needed help to go pick up a futon that she bought from Craigslist. She had asked my brother to go earlier that day, but all he was doing was sitting around doing nothing. So finally with only an hour left before the person we were picking this up from would be unavailable, I went with my mom to pick it up.

Monday - Today I was at a loss on what to do. So after my finals were done for the day, I was contemplating what to do. After much thinking, I decided to leave an anonymous motivation message to one of my friends who has been going through some hard times lately.

Today - Being the end of the semester at school and not having the ability to have my meal plan roll over to next semester (I have my own grievances against the school for that) I decided that I would buy some things for some people who are low on meal plan. I gathered a few of my fraternity brothers from the house and bought them what they wanted from the meal plan friendly store on campus.

These things are not what I was aiming to do with this goal that I have, but none the less I am actively trying to make the world around me a better place. As I mentioned, I have a large amount of meal plan left, so before I leave campus on Friday I am going to buy things for people if I can.

More to come later!

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