Friday, May 7, 2010

More Updates... : #7, 8, and 9

As my last posting said, this past week has been finals week for me at by school, so I was fairly busy with studying and stuff like that. This is going to be short because I am really tired right now.

So in the same format of my last post:

Wednesday: I bought a meal for someone. (not a stranger, but it still counts)

Thursday: Helped someone move out of their room.

Today: Today I really don't know what to count it as. I feel like if I count what I am thinking of counting as my deed, it would be cheating, but at the same time, I haven't done anything else today because of the nature of my day. Anyhow, to the story. When I got home from school today with all of my stuff I came home to my family leaving to go to my sisters confirmation (I would have gone, but I was running late in my arrival and it just didn't work out). After resting for a little bit I told my grandma, who lives with my family, that I would be coming and going out of the house because I was going to be unloading my car. Her response to that was a very long winded way (you know how old people are) of saying that she loves the fact that she is able to live with us and watch my grow as a young man and that I brings her great joy.

After this past week of not knowing when I was actively doing anything to help other people I have come to realize that being the person that I am, I am doing nice things for others, just that is because I am who I am. So even though I may not be aware of what I am doing, the things I do in my normal day could totally change the life of someone. But that is not the goal of this project. My goal is to actively do something for someone every day.

Until next time...

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