Saturday, May 1, 2010

#3 - Sometimes Things Just happen

So today was the last day of formal classes before finals at Bowling Green. The car that I use while at school is a smaller car, so I decided to take home as much of the stuff in my dorm as I could. Another reason for my return home is that my high school was opening its spring musical, West Side Story, tonight, so myself and a few friends from high school decided to go tonight.

All day today I was busy finishing last minuet things for my classes. Because of that I was stuck in my room most of the day, and then I had to make a two hour drive home, in my car, by myself. I was hoping that on my way home I would run into someone that needed car help, but nothing like that happened. I was running late so I had to go directly to the school to catch the show in time. I had some time to spare so I picked up one of my friends that was on the way.

Before I continue with the story for today, I would like to inform all of you readers of part of my past. In high school I was a large component of the performing arts department. In the theatre I my focus was technical stuff. Because of all the hard work that I would always put in, people think highly of me. Add that to the various other things I did, like Boy Scouts (I am an Eagle Scout) and being very involved in my school, I was sort of a local celebrity. My senior year of high school it came to a strange head when one day people just started to applaud me whenever thy saw me. Needless to say I was well liked by everyone.

Anyways after the show, which was very well done, I spoke to some of the teachers I had and the directors I had worked with in my time at the high school. All of the cast members that I saw and spoke to were very surprised and happy to see that I had made it back to see their show, many of them being seniors so this was a big thing for them.

After talking with many people and reminiscing of the past my friends and
I went to a local restaurant to catch up for a while. While there one of my friends got a text message from her mother, whom was the director of the show we had just seen, saying "please tell the guys it was amazing to see them all tonight. it really makes me happy to see my true tech team still together and enjoying our shows". So she found it very nice that we stopped by to see her and her show.

Also, during our little outing I was having a texting conversation with one of the girls that I knew in the cast. Not to bore you with the minor details, I agreed to spend some time with her and her boyfriend after the show the next night. after seeing that she replied that she hadn't been this excited to see people in a long time.

By and by, I will take these events as my acts of kindness for the day. Unfortunately, I have still not been able to help out strangers like my intention was, but there isn't much I can do about that for now. While I was eating with my friends after the show I told them about this blog I m doing and how I want to make a positive effect on the world and that I had been stressing all day about I could do to make this day worthwhile for others. One of my friends said that I shouldn't look to hard into it and to just let things happen as they do, so in other words, if I am not able to complete a act of kindness for others, not to worry about it because I could have a day where I do many things instead of just one.

All in all I have a feeling that after I leave Bowling Green for the summer and return home for the summer, I will be able to have a greater effect on people. My friends and I often frequent a somewhat local amusement part, so I have faith that I can do good there. I am also thinking of notes and things like that I can send out to random people or leave in books at the library and so on.

I have faith that whatever it is I am doing, I will make some change in the world, no matter how small.

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